MLB trade rumors: Cubs expected to talk with Orioles about Manny Machado
The Cubs are interested in upgrading their offense with one of the top playerson the trade market.Chicago is expected to talk with the Orioles about acquiring star infielder Manny Machado, according to a report from the Chicago Sun-Times. The Cubs also discu sed a potential deal involving Machado in the More >
MLB trade rumors: Padres could be interested in dealing for Manny Machado
The Padres could be interested in acquiring Manny Machado.San Diego has inquired about a potential deal for the 25-year-old infielder, according to a report from FanRag Sports. The Padres are considered a long shot to acquire Machado and one member of the organization said the team was just Roberto Clemente More >

Význam prevencie a liečby porúch pohybového systému u žien počas tehotenstva a po pôrode – Bakalárska práca
Milé mamky!
Mnohé z Vás mi pred časom odoslali vyplnený dotazník ktorý som potrebovala pre svoju bakalársku prácu v odbore fyzioterapeut. Téma práce znela:
„Význam prevencie a liečby porúch pohybového systému u žien počas tehotenstva a po pôrode“.
Všetkým, ktoré ste sa do prieskumu zapojili, veľmi pekne ďakujem.
Keďže ste viaceré prejavili záujem o výsledky prieskumu, rozhodla som sa ich More >